So, Ive stumbled upon a great site while doing some online surfing! This page is called and it talked about alternative voices in the media. On this page I found links to a variety of alternative voices – and opportunities for participation. This site addresses the notion that media contributes to a lot of social problems. It lets you have access to alternative websites, print magazines, radio, TV, film & video, books and other sources of alternative media by non- professionals! This site allows users to explore more than one facet of citizen media at the same time. They say "Face-to-face communication is key, so we include listings of resource centres, gathering places and events. Finally, we wrap up with a section on how to "become the media" – as a writer, by starting your own publication or website, or simply by writing a letter to the editor". This is so awesome because it basically serves as directory for alternative media- amazing.
Alternative voices talks about what it wrong with the media and emphasizes the notion that we get our information from the dominating class. The site describes media as "An Unholy Trinity: Truth, Market Forces and the Media – Mass media performance - its omissions, biases, distortions, deceptions – reflects the fact that the mass media is itself part of the same power structure that plunders the planet and inflicts human rights abuses on a massive scale." This is why they believe that alternative voices are so important, and having them heard is crucial. Citizen media is all about participation and teamwork.
Publicization of media events is another manin issue that Alternative Voices addresses. The media chooses what we hear about and what we dont hear about. This is such a problem that society deals with because we dont know how seriously to take the news.
Journalism is such a powerful tool, but it can cause problems within society. Citizen media calls for critical thought and analysis through its wide range quality and the notion of free speech for all. With citizen media, we are able to analyze what we hear and take it as seriously as we want. This site is awesome for finding sources and learning more about the concept of citizen media and paticipatory action!
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