Thursday, April 2, 2009

Online Identity Revealed?

Online identity seems to be a hot topic in class discussions. In the day and age of technological everythingness- online identity is important to consider while spending time online. We often forget that the image you project online is just as, or even more so important than that of what you show of yourself in person. At least in person, those around you get a feel of what your like and who you are. Online, they have to take your word for it.

Game theory talks about how identity functions in the online world and how people behave in online situations. Given the reality that online dating, social networking online and other online communication methods are sweeping society away- creating and maintaining an online identity is unavoidable.

I myself am very weary of the internet for social purposes. I do not use online dating servies, however, my best friend is an avid fan. I make fun of her constantly, but she swears by it. Plenty of Fish- how cute. Her online profile contains a list of activities she claims to enjoy. White water rafting, mountain climbing, rollerblading- just to name a few. I've never in my 8 years of knowing her witnesses any of these acts. Actually, in all truth we did go white water rafting- once. This online identity she clings to isnt real. For the most part, its all fake. It is what she wants to project. Im sure she would love to do these things, but it just doesnt happen. So I continuously poke fun at her Plenty of Fish account. The guys she meets on there have never worked out. For the most part just been disapointments looking for a hook-up. They are not who they say they are either- not 100% at least.

It all relates back to game theory. Its a strategic thing. Developing and maintaining an online identity. Facebook is another great example. I dont have pictures on there that I dont like. I untag myself in pictures I do not want people seeing on my profile. I dont have much in my profile written about me. My photos are of me partying and travelling. My friends list contains only people I know, and I do not accept invitations to lame parties or groups I think are stupid. This is my online Facebook identity. Carefully groomed to be what I want it to be. Its not the real me. There no pictures of me doing homework or waking up and brushing my teeth- its doesnt happen. But it does happen. But not online. My online self doesnt clip her toe nails or burp loud in front of people. My online self doesnt vacuum the carpet or pull gross hair out of the sink. This is what I actually do in real life.

So it all boils down to what you want others to think of you. What you are on the internet is not what you are in real life- at least not 100%. The most important thing is to remember that those standards apply to the people we deal with on the other side of the screen.

So, Ive stumbled upon a great site while doing some online surfing! This page is called and it talked about alternative voices in the media. On this page I found links to a variety of alternative voices – and opportunities for participation. This site addresses the notion that media contributes to a lot of social problems. It lets you have access to alternative websites, print magazines, radio, TV, film & video, books and other sources of alternative media by non- professionals! This site allows users to explore more than one facet of citizen media at the same time. They say "Face-to-face communication is key, so we include listings of resource centres, gathering places and events. Finally, we wrap up with a section on how to "become the media" – as a writer, by starting your own publication or website, or simply by writing a letter to the editor". This is so awesome because it basically serves as directory for alternative media- amazing.

Alternative voices talks about what it wrong with the media and emphasizes the notion that we get our information from the dominating class. The site describes media as "An Unholy Trinity: Truth, Market Forces and the Media – Mass media performance - its omissions, biases, distortions, deceptions – reflects the fact that the mass media is itself part of the same power structure that plunders the planet and inflicts human rights abuses on a massive scale." This is why they believe that alternative voices are so important, and having them heard is crucial. Citizen media is all about participation and teamwork.

Publicization of media events is another manin issue that Alternative Voices addresses. The media chooses what we hear about and what we dont hear about. This is such a problem that society deals with because we dont know how seriously to take the news.

Journalism is such a powerful tool, but it can cause problems within society. Citizen media calls for critical thought and analysis through its wide range quality and the notion of free speech for all. With citizen media, we are able to analyze what we hear and take it as seriously as we want. This site is awesome for finding sources and learning more about the concept of citizen media and paticipatory action!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Dangers of Facebook

I have been thinking and hearing about the dangers of Facebook a lot lately. Made me wonder how many potentially incriminating photos I have up on that puppy- and the amount of potentially incriminating photos that I'm not even aware of are up there - SCARY! Is my potential employer actually going to find a way onto my Facebook page and creep me out? Is that why I havnt been getting those jobs after the first interview?

Its been bothering me for a few reasons. Are my children going to one day have access to my ancient Facebook page and see pictures of me pouring vodka into my topless friend's mouth in Mexico over spring break? Just the thought that this is a potential issue makes me cringe...

Will my parents see the insane online version of me and my friends? I know that Ive exposed children of family friends online to my parents. No harm done though, right? Wrong. Obviously these photos show a side of you that no one knows other than your friends at University. I think that Facebook should have stayed a University networking site, for this reason.

I hate worrying that other will interpret my online identity as something that it is not. And the idea of Facebook owning my online face! This kills me, it will never be mine again. I want to be a lawyer one day- how will Facebook affect that plan? It has the ability to potentially ruin my future career! Im scared...